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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Does cell phone radiation affect human health?

San Francisco city is debating whether to require cell phone sellers to put a label about the amount of radiation levels emitted by cell phones on the cell phone. State of Maine also has a similar bill in work. Increasing amount of people in the world have at least one cell phone, increasing percentage of cell phones are smart phones (with more wireless signals, mobile network, wi-fi, bluetooth, and gps signal), and cell phones use the same radiation as microwave uses. It becomes a hot issue whether cell phone radiation affect people's health, particularly brain health.

Check wikipedia article Mobile phone radiation and health,
you can see that a lot of research has been done. From these research works, however, no convincing evidence proves one way or the other. Some research concludes that cell phone radiation is harmful to human health, some research think the cell phone signal is too weak to be harmful, and other research concludes that phone radiation is beneficial to the health.

If you have concerns about the potential danger of cell phone radiation, you may consider methods to disable some wireless signals, or use headset during the phone conversation.

BTW, although it is questionable whether cell phone radiation affect your health, it is very clear that overusing cell phone (like texting and calling during driving or walking) is a danger to public safety.

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